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Achille Mbembe

From Wikipedia

'Joseph-Achille Mbembe', ũrĩa ũĩkaine ta Achille Mbembe (Template:IPAc-en; mũciare 1957), nĩ mũrutani wa maũndũ ma matwĩka, mũrutani maũndũ ma ũteti, na mũrutani wa mũingĩ kuuma bũrũri wa Cameroon ũrĩa ũrutaga wĩĩra Institute of Wits for Social and Economy Research thĩinĩ wa University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg Nĩamenyekire mũno nĩ ũndũ wa mabuku make megiĩ mũthũngũci na moimĩrĩro maguo na nĩ mũtongoria ũmwe wa gĩkundi kĩa French Critical Theory.[1]

  1. Achille Mbembe, WISER Staff Profile