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Muhammadu Buhari

From Wikipedia


Muhammadu Buhari GCFR (Hausa pronunciationi; aciarirwo 17 Disemba 1942) nĩ mũteti wa Mũnigeria ũrĩa watungataga ta mũtĩrũkia wa Nigeria kuuma mwaka wa 2015 nginya mwaka wa 2023. [1] [2]

Buhari (ũmotho) na ngavana Abiola Ajimobi (ũrĩa ũrĩ mwena wa ũrĩo)
Buhari hamwe na munini wa mutongoria wa bururi Atiku Abubakar
Buhari akĩrũgamia kĩhato mũtongoro-inĩ wa gĩthurano mwaka-inĩ wa 2015.
Buhari hamwe na Mũtĩrũkia wa Amerika Joe Biden, 2 Mweri wa ikũmi na ũmwe 2021


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  •  Nigeria:
    • Grand Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic (GCFR) (1983)
  •  Equatorial Guinea:
    • Grand Collar of the Order of Independence (2016)
  •  Serbia:
    • Second Class of the Order of the Republic of Serbia (2016)
  •  Liberia:
    • Grand Cordon of the Order of the Pioneers of Liberia (27 July 2019)

Ngoga cia Ndũire

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Mwaka wa 2017, kanitha wa rũgũrũ wa irathĩro wa ũtongoria a tene nĩ waheire President Buhari gĩtĩĩo kĩa ngoga ya Enyioma I wa Ebonyi na Ochioha I kuuma Bũrũri wa Igbo. Hĩndĩ ya kũtugwo gwake, mũtongoria wa bũrũri nĩ aarĩ na kĩheo kĩa ũnene - kĩa Ogbuagu I wa kuma bũrũri wa Igbo - thĩinĩ wa mũbango wa ikaru cia bũrũri wa Nigeria. Thutha ũcio nĩ aheo kĩheo kĩngĩ, Ikeogu I wa kĩa bũrũri wa Igbo, mwaka ũyũ ũngĩ.