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The Bold and the Beautiful

From Wikipedia

The Bold and the Beautiful (na mũno ĩtagwo B&B) nĩ ndereti ya televisoni ya Amerika ĩrĩa yarũgamiirwo nĩ William J. Bell na Lee Phillip Bell makĩrutĩra wĩra CBS. Nĩ yambĩrĩirie kwĩyumĩria mũthenya wa 23 mweri wa gatano mwaka wa 1987. Ithakĩirwo thĩinĩ wa Los Angeles, California, ĩkĩrũmĩrĩra mũtũrĩre wa mbarĩ ya Forrester na wonjoria wao wa mĩgemio na managĩ ma mwĩhumbĩre.

Mũciĩ wa (I-r) Forrester, c. 2008 (l-r): Kristen (Tracy Melchior), Thorne (Winsor Harmon), Felicia (Lesli Kay), Eric (John McCook), Stephanie (Susan Flannery) na Ridge (Ronn Moss)
File:B&B promo logo.png
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