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UMkhonto we Sizwe

From Wikipedia

uMKhonto we Sizwe (Xhosa, Zulu na Ndebele kuuga "Itimũ ya Rũrĩrĩ"; kũgarũrũka MK) warĩ rũhonge rwa mbũtũ cia mbaara cia African National Congress (ANC), na rwathondekirwo nĩ Nelson Mandela thutha wa njũragano cia Sharpeville. Mworoto wayo warĩ kũrũa na Ndamathia Apartheid ya Afrika ya Mũhuro.

Kuringana na Nelson Mandela, arũmĩrĩri othe a uMkhonto we Sizwe, hamwe na we mwene, maarĩ a ANC. Thĩinĩ wa mĩario yake ya "I Am Prepared to Die", Mandela nĩ ataũrire maũndũ marĩa maateithirie kũũmbwo kwa uMkhonto we Sizwe: