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Francis Njũgũna Gĩchimũ

From Wikipedia

Mũgĩkũyũ mũthomi na Mwandĩki kuuma bũrũri wa Kĩrĩnyaga. Oho no mũthaitĩri wa Maria matũrigicĩirekũgerera tabarĩra anjĩrĩire ya Mũgumo Run. Aciarirwo September 11 1991.

Oho nowe arugũririe karirũi ka gũcana ndemwa karĩa getagwo Njano ya Gĩchandĩ.

Oho no andĩkĩte mabuku na mathangũ nenda-inĩ ona haha Wikipedia.


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Njũgũna aciarirwo mwana wa gatano tarĩki 11 September 1991

Arerirwo Nairobi, Mathare 4A na Mabatini.

Egwatĩire mathomo thukuru cia Thĩka Road na Jamhuri High School. Ndarĩkirie mathomo make ma Rũrenda rwa Indo (Internet of things) thukuru wa igũrũ wa Strathmore University .


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