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Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o

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Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o

Ngũgĩ Wa Thiong'o nĩ mwandĩki mũkaru kuma bũrũri wa Kenya. Aarutaga wĩra wa wandĩki wa Gĩthũngũ mbere ya kũgarũrũkĩra Wandĩki wa ruthiomi rwake rwa Gĩkũyũ.

Wandĩki wake ũhutagia icuunjĩ cia wandĩki ta ng'ano, mĩthako ya ngerekano, ũhoro wa ciaca, ng'ano cia ciana na mangĩ maingĩ.

Ngũgĩ aciarĩirwo Kamĩrĩĩthũ, hakuhĩ Rĩmuru, Kĩambu. Nĩ abatithirio aagĩtwo James Ngugĩ. Nyũmba ya ithee nĩ mekorire Mbaarainĩ cia Mau Mau ta ũrĩa ataragĩragia ibukuinĩ rĩake rĩa 'Dreams in Times of War'.

Ngũgĩ aathomeire cukuru cia mĩceni kũu Kamĩrĩĩthũ. Ni acokire agithiĩ unibacĩtĩ ya Makerere, Uganda, kũrĩa athomeire akĩheo ndingirii ya Mũranja wa ũturi.

Mawĩĩra make

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>> Nduru cia thakame "petals of blood"

>> Rũũĩ rwa gatagatĩ ""the river between"

>> Kenda Mũihũru: rũgano rwa gĩkũyũ na mũmbi

>>Mũrogi wa Kagogo "wizard of the crow"

>> Kũrĩmĩrũra Mbũgĩ: ũteti wa thiomi "decolonising the mind: politics of language"

>> Gũcoka Mũciĩ "home coming"

>> Ndũkarĩre Mwana "weep not child"

>> Nyũmba-inĩ ya Mũtabuti "in the house of the interpreter"

>> Iroto Kĩmera-inĩ kĩa Mbaara "dreams in times of war"

>> Education for a National Culture (1981) (Gĩthomo kĩa ũndũire wa Kĩbũrũri)